Marvin Rowe

Consultor Suíço de Fusões e Aquisições

Zug, Suíça

CONTACT Marvin Rowe

Zug, Suíça
CPF CHE-482.020.531
Swiss AMF AG Aktiengesellschaft
inglês, alemão


Marvin Rowe’s career spans a quarter century in financial services, capital markets, corporate finance and securities brokerage in the US and Europe, including over a decade in the European and Swiss financial services arena, where he gained expertise in licensed Swiss financial service companies as well as capital markets, corporate finance, private and public offerings (IPOs) and relevant compliance and legal issues.

In his current position at Swiss AMF AG, Marvin leads both the Swiss financial services companies (Swiss asset management, licensed money transfer companies, cryptocurrency exchanges, banking services companies, forex, trusts, and other financial services structures). Marvin is arguably the leading expert in Switzerland for money transfer and cryptocurrency exhange licensing, software platforms, compliance, legal and operations.

From 1998 to 2006, Marvin was employed by US securities firms in various capacities including Chief Executive Officer, Chief Compliance Officer, Financial & Operations Principal, Chief Operating Officer and Nasdaq Level III trader, and held the following US government registrations: Registered Securities Agent (S-7), General Securities Principal (S-24), Financial and Operations Principal (S-27) and Equity Trader Representative (S-55).

Marvin earned his Master of Laws (LL.M.) in International Banking & Finance Law from the University of Liverpool Law School (First Class Hons., Distinction) and was awarded the law department’s Dissertation of the Year award.

Marvin has been a licensed private pilot for airplanes since 1989 and for Helicopters since 2003.

Marvin Rowe’s career spans a quarter century in financial services, capital markets, corporate finance and securities brokerage in the US and Europe, including over a decade in the European and Swiss financial services arena, where he gained expertise in licensed Swiss financial service companies as well as capital markets, corporate finance, private and public offerings (IPOs) and relevant compliance and legal issues.

In his current position at Swiss AMF AG, Marvin leads both the Swiss financial services companies (Swiss asset management, licensed money transfer companies, cryptocurrency exchanges, banking services companies, forex, trusts, and other financial services structures). Marvin is arguably the leading expert in Switzerland for money transfer and cryptocurrency exhange licensing, software platforms, compliance, legal and operations.

From 1998 to 2006, Marvin was employed by US securities firms in various capacities including Chief Executive Officer, Chief Compliance Officer, Financial & Operations Principal, Chief Operating Officer and Nasdaq Level III trader, and held the following US government registrations: Registered Securities Agent (S-7), General Securities Principal (S-24), Financial and Operations Principal (S-27) and Equity Trader Representative (S-55).

Marvin earned his Master of Laws (LL.M.) in International Banking & Finance Law from the University of Liverpool Law School (First Class Hons., Distinction) and was awarded the law department’s Dissertation of the Year award.

Marvin has been a licensed private pilot for airplanes since 1989 and for Helicopters since 2003.

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